Warm Smiles for Mom: Dentist-Approved Gifts for Mother’s Day

May 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 7:20 am
A smiling mother and her kids traveling in a car

Now that it’s early May, maybe you’ve already started to think about your summer plans. You wouldn’t be the only one; a lot of folks in town are noticing the warmer air. Still, don’t get ahead of yourself – there’s still Mother’s Day to consider! Before you head off to “fun in the sun,” you should pick out a present for your mom. Your Weatherford dental practice will even help. So, take some time to look at these four dentist-approved gifts for Mother’s Day.

An Electric Toothbrush

Even if she sees herself as old-school, your mom is sure to like an upgrade to her oral care routine. That’s why one great gift idea would be an electric toothbrush.

Today’s electric toothbrushes – bought online or from stores – come with all sorts of handy options. Some rather nice brands even have multiple settings for brushing, massaging, etc. They could let your mom know if she’s brushed long enough or if she’s using too much force. In select cases, a model can also link to a phone app and show a map of the areas she’s overlooked.

A Waterpik Flosser

Normal dental floss can be tricky for anyone, moms included. The string often has a habit of getting away from you. Luckily, you could solve that problem for your parent with a Waterpik flosser.

A Waterpik flosser is a device that sprays water between the teeth and below the gumline. In doing so, it basically uses water pressure to floss those areas instead of string. The result is an easier flossing that removes plaque more quickly and simply. As a bonus, the appliance also leaves tooth enamel white and shiny.

Dark Chocolate

It’s easy to see any chocolate as a dental no-no of sorts. However, some types are a relative exception to this rule. Dark chocolate is one such kind, so try getting some for your mom.

You see, dark chocolate has less sugar than other types. Just one bar only has about 10-12 grams of this processed carb. In contrast, a same-sized milk chocolate bar contains 25 grams of sugar. That means the darker stuff isn’t as bad for oral health. It’ll let her indulge her sweet tooth without harming her teeth much.

Pro Teeth Whitening

If you want your mom to feel pampered, a pro teeth whitening treatment is a fine choice. This procedure would help her smile shine brighter than ever!

Chances are your mother would really like this gift. Based on current studies, roughly 80% of Americans wish they had whiter teeth. That means a teeth whitening session could boost her confidence on her big day. She’d just need to see a dentist so her grin would look lighter by six to eight shades.

Summers come and go, but having a mom is a blessing. Keep that in mind as you review the dentist-approved gifts for Mother’s Day!

About the Practice

Beacon Dentistry is based in Weatherford, TX. Led by Drs. Novak, Johannsen, and Collins, our practice strives to give every patient warm and personal care. That means our custom treatments span preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency dental work. Our office also takes pride in being a certified provider of Invisalign aligners. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (817)-594-7302.

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