Mouthguards in Weatherford Can Protect from Teeth Grinding

May 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 8:28 pm
Stop Bruxism

Has your spouse been complaining about the noise of you grinding your teeth at night? Unfortunately, it can be more serious than a nuisance for people trying to sleep; it can also lead to tooth damage and painful joint issues. But what can you do about something that happens while you’re asleep? Here’s what you need to know about teeth grinding, its effects, and how mouthguards in Weatherford can help.  


3 Do’s and Don’ts After Receiving Dental Implants in Weatherford

February 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 1:24 pm

older man smiling holding appleFinally having your missing teeth replaced with dental implants in Weatherford is a joyous time. It means you now have an opportunity to regain the life you may have thought was lost for good. Part of the 98% success rate of the dental implant procedure, though, is based on compliance after the surgery is completed. So you can have the best results possible, here are 3 things you should and shouldn’t do after dental implant placement.


What Do Dental Implants in Weatherford Feel Like?

January 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 11:47 pm

A chef pouring sauce onto a steak.With so many options for tooth replacement, it can be hard at first to determine which one is right for you. But it’s important to keep in mind that not all replacement options are created equal. Dentures tend to be more affordable and dental bridges have been the standard for a long time, but neither will truly feel as natural as you would imagine them to be.

That’s why dental implants in Weatherford stand out in the world of dentistry and tooth replacement. Here’s what you can expect from treatment.



New Technology for Dentures in Weatherford Creates Flawless Smiles

November 29, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — beacondentistry @ 7:44 pm

dentureSeveral advancements in dentistry make it possible to preserve natural teeth for longer than before. Despite new treatments and procedures, tooth loss remains a common problem. It is estimated 35 million Americans are living with complete tooth loss. To regain a beautiful, functional smile 90% turn to dentures. Although they have a bad reputation for looking and feeling fake, the latest technologies improve their comfort and aesthetics. Now, you can enjoy a convenient and effective solution to replace your missing teeth with dentures in Weatherford.

Play It Safe with Dental Mouthguards in Weatherford

May 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — beacondentistry @ 3:24 am

mouthguard and helmetSchool is almost out, summer is almost in, so now is the time to think about keeping the smiles in your family healthy and safe. Dental mouthguards in Weatherford come in many forms. The one that is right for you will depend on the purpose or the treatment that is necessary. Read on to learn more about the types of and uses for dental mouthguards.


Save Your Smile with Dental Implants in Weatherford

April 27, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 1:20 pm

smiling mature man eating appleOver the past two decades, dental implants have become the premier solution to a growing problem in America today: tooth loss. They are the one treatment that actually restores an entire tooth from root to crown, creating a final result that is virtually indistinguishable from nature. Whether you are missing a single tooth or are dealing with unreliable dentures, dental implants in Weatherford can help you finally reclaim your smile, and you can learn all about them in today’s blog post. (more…)

Dental Implants Have the Power to Save Your Smile!

February 21, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 5:32 pm

young woman's pretty smileMissing teeth are a problem for millions of people across the United States, downgrading their confidence and making it more difficult for them to enjoy their favorite goodies. If you are among the many who are frustrated by gaps between your pearly whites, you might be looking for a solution that will save your smile and help you get back to living life to the full. Dental implants might be perfect for you! Let’s take a look at how this procedure can rescue you from your gap-filled grin.


Need a Confidence Boost? Ask Your Dentist About Clear Aligners

January 26, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 4:13 pm

close-up of clear alignerPerhaps your dentist recently informed you that your crooked teeth are endangering your oral health, or maybe you’re just sick of seeing your misaligned smile whenever you look in the mirror. Either way, an orthodontic treatment might be what you need to achieve teeth that are beautiful and healthy. But metal braces are ugly! Moreover, if you’re an adult, braces can make you feel like you’ve gone back in time to high school (especially if you have a goofy coworker who you know will call you a “metal mouth). Fortunately, there are alternatives to traditional metal braces. Let’s take a moment to talk about clear aligners and their benefits.


Want a Smile Makeover? Porcelain Veneers May Be Perfect for You!

January 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 3:28 pm

happy smiling coupleThere are lots of things that are worse than an unattractive smile, such as serious diseases, natural disasters, and filing your taxes. Still, no one wants to cringe when they look at their own teeth. Cosmetic flaws can downgrade your confidence and make you hold back from showing off that winning personality of yours. Instead of simply putting up with the things you don’t like about your pearly whites, you can correct those imperfections with porcelain veneers. How do veneers work, and how can they give you the smile makeover that you’ve been wanting?


Your Weatherford Dentist Makes Dental Implants Work

December 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — beacondentistry @ 1:13 am

dental implant and crownThere is an old adage that claims you never know what you have until it’s gone. If you don’t have a complete set of teeth, you probably know just how true that saying is. Without all of your chompers in place, it can be difficult to eat a nutritious diet. Plus, you may face other problems as well, including embarrassment over your incomplete smile and bone loss in your jaw. Dental implants might be the perfect solution for you! Let’s discuss some of the basics of this life-changing treatment.


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